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Bechtel’s Impact Report

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Bechtel in the News

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618 Results

  • Moving into deeper water

    • 30 May 2013

    Bechtel’s ports specialist, Marco Pluijm, explains how artificial islands can help reduce the cost of exporting African minerals.
    Source: Fairplay (PDF)

  • Natural gas: investing in the revolution

    • 01 May 2013

    Bechtel’s Scott Austin participated in a roundtable discussion with the associate editor of Power Engineering, and they discussed the future of gas-fired generation, the sustainability of today’s low gas prices, and the potential impact of increasing environmental regulation.
    Source: Power Engineering (PDF)

  • Build to order

    • 01 April 2013

    Bechtel's Jeff Brighman talks about how EPC companies are adapting to serve the energy industry.
    Source: Fortnighly (PDF)

  • Action station

    • 01 April 2013

    Awkward geology and an ambitious scope make Farringdon station (London) one of Crossrail’s major challenges. Bechtel project manager, Nisrine Chartouny, invited The Engineer magazine to find out why the station is so central to the project’s success.
    Source: The Engineer (PDF)

  • Pods Image ALT

    Ocean wind power line

    • 17 January 2013

    Bechtel will construct the first segment of the New Jersey Energy Link, a $1.8 billion system of undersea and onshore transmission cables, as well as power converter “hubs.”

  • Learning the ROPES

    • 01 January 2013

    The editor of Dredging and Port Construction visited the Netherlands to see innovative Bechtel-led research that aims to make ports safer by looking into the effects of a ship’s wash.
    Source: Dredging and Port Construction

  • Wired for success

    • 01 January 2013

    Engineering career opportunities are explored and Bechtel's Melissa Morin, a senior electrical engineer working on the Dulles Metrorail Extension project, is featured.
    Source: Woman Engineer

  • New software models the wrenching forces of ship wakes in port environments

    • 11 December 2012

    Bechtel-led port design research in the Netherlands is featured in a special report in Engineering News Record. Marco Pluijm, senior ports specialist, explains how the results of the ROPES project will create new software which will improve port design in the future.
    Source: Engineering News-Record

  • Safe berthing

    • 01 December 2012

    Dennis Vinkoert, executive editor of Ports and Shipping Industry finds out how Bechtel is gaining valuable insight which will make ports safer in the future.
    Source: Ports & Shipping Industry (PDF)