

NEOM The Spine

As a next generation cognitive city powered 100% by renewable energy, NEOM is the future of sustainable living and one of the most ambitious projects of this generation. Our team is providing project management consultancy services for NEOM, both the Spine transport infrastructure and regional infrastructure, including roads and water, as well as its iconic, year-round mountain destination, TROJENA.

Idku Energy Hub Egyptian Coalition
A Bechtel-led coalition will study a One Power Hub concept used by Idku Energy Hub to increase power savings and greenhouse gas abatement as part of Egypt’s decarbonization efforts. This study will support Egypt’s net zero targets and climate strategy by ensuring greater energy security and efficiency.
Increasing the
Global Copper
Copper is a critical mineral as the world races to transition to clean energy. Bechtel is designing and building the infrastructure needed to secure the supply of copper for decades to come — and doing so safely, with minimum disruption to local communities and the environment.

Bechtel is helping extend the life and increase the output of Teck’s Quebrada Blanca copper mine, which will tap one of the world’s largest undeveloped copper resources and help close the gap between global supply and rising demand for copper. The expansion project includes a 143,000 tonnes-per-day copper concentrator, a high-capacity desalination plant, and a 103-mile (165-km) water supply pipeline. QB2 is expected to generate 316,000 tonnes of copper-equivalent production per year for the first five full years of mine life.

Bechtel is helping Antofagasta Minerals (AMSA) sustain the production level at its Los Pelambres mine. We’re working together to reduce the environmental impact, establish long-term relationships with neighboring communities, promote local socioeconomic development, and strengthen the local labor force. We’re also focused on water efficiency by reducing continental water consumption and increasing seawater usage. When complete, the mine’s water treatment facilities will filter 106 gallons (400 liters) of water per second.

Bechtel is helping develop the Collahuasi copper mines to expand capacity to help meet the global demand for copper.

Matagorda eFuels Facility
Bechtel is conducting the engineering and design for an HIF Global facility that will revolutionize U.S. transportation through eFuels. The facility will produce approximately 200 million gallons per year of carbon-neutral gasoline that can be used in cars without any modification to existing engines or infrastructure.

Ranger Mine Rehabilitation Project

Bechtel is helping Energy Resource Australia manage a rehabilitation program at the Ranger uranium mine. An environmentally sensitive site located near a World Heritage-listed national park, the Ranger Mine Rehabilitation Project is a flagship initiative and a key part of the closure plan for the mine and processing plant.