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Suppliers and Contractors Hub

Providing the most current information about sources of supply and services to our Procurement and Contract personnel worldwide.

Worker walking alongside line of dump trucks at job site. Worker walking alongside line of dump trucks at job site.

Bechtel’s suppliers and subcontractors are critical

to supporting our diverse business portfolio that encompasses infrastructure; power; telecommunications; oil, gas, and chemicals; tanks, pipeline, and water; nuclear; national defense; national laboratory; environmental cleanup; and management services.

Tarek Amine

Tarek Amine

Chief Supply Chain Officer

Warehouse worker arranged supplies on a shelf with a forklift.

Suppliers by the Numbers


We work with over 7,000 suppliers from 70 countries globally.


We issue over 50,000 transactions each year to supply our projects.

in Commitments

Annually, our commitments with suppliers approach $15B.

Project Opportunities

Our suppliers and subcontractors are critical members of our contracting and procurement functions in support of our diverse business portfolio. Explore past Bechtel projects to learn more about opportunities to work with us.

What We Purchase

Because our industry continually evolves, we persistently seek new sources of goods, services, and technology to meet the demands of our customers and their respective projects.

We pride ourselves on the knowledge, skill, experience, and customer commitment our suppliers and contractors bring to every project. We seek professional organizations that can meet these parameters and grow their capabilities alongside us on increasingly challenging projects. We strive to give fair and equal treatment to all, ensuring a level field of competition and upholding the highest ethical standards in the industry. To meet our needs, we look for suppliers and contractors who have an interest in providing the following goods and services.

Partner With Us

Two men walk together at jobsite.

Become a Bechtel Supplier

Two colleagues assess operations at jobsite.

Active Bechtel Suppliers

The Bechtel Supplier Portal User Guide provides step-by-step instructions for registering and navigating the iSupplier Portal, available in English and Spanish. For first time registrants, you can find instructions for registration in this guide or by watching the introductory video to the right.

Supplier Fraud Alert

Bechtel has been informed about companies receiving fraudulent invoices, purchase orders, credit applications and banking instructions. These fraudulent communications are sent from individuals impersonating Bechtel and are sent from illegitimate email addresses and phone numbers to customers, contractors, and vendors.

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