Welcome to the Suppliers & Contractors portal. This site provides the most current information about sources of supply and services to our Procurement and Contract personnel worldwide.
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Become a Bechtel Supplier
If you supply materials or provide services that we are likely to purchase (see What We Purchase), we invite you to register your company and update that information periodically. The more complete and current your company’s information in our global database, the more visible your company will be to our projects.
- To register, it is necessary for your company to have previously registered with Dun and Bradstreet and obtained a DUNS number. The person registering your company must have a valid email address, which will be used as his/her access ID to the Portal. If your company is already in our supplier/contractor database, you will be asked to contact us for assistance and verification.
- Registration places your company in our database of suppliers and contractors and gives your company visibility among procurement professionals working on our projects worldwide. In addition to providing us general information and qualification documents, you have the ability to search for specific active projects and express your company’s interest and value proposition in a report sent directly to the project team.
Your registration login credentials (email and password) will also be used to access bid packages on-line via our iSupplier Portal, if you receive an invitation to bid.