Diminishing natural resources have brought carbon capture and alternative fuels to the forefront. Our services include life-cycle analysis, CO2 audits, environmental-driven retrofits and new technology development.
Select project highlights
Repsol Investigaciones Petroliferas SA (RIPSA). Spain
CASA CO2 feasibility study to assess the technical and commercial feasibility of recovering CO2 from the Tarragona Refinery flue gases for EOR injection at RIPSA’s Casablanca offshore platform.
Feasibility study to assess the technical and commercial feasibility of recovering CO2 from boilers, gas turbines and sulfur recovery units for EOR injection into the Bab Field.
Intevep, SA, San Tome, Venezuela
Technical Assistance Related to a CO2 EOR Pilot Project in Eastern Venezuela
Intevep, SA, Venezuela
Evaluation of state-of-the-art technology for recovery of CO2 and study methods for dehydration, compression and transportation of CO2 for EOR. Two potential CO2 sources were flue gas from natural gas fired boilers and offgas from hydrogen plant.