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Sydney Metro

Artists' rendering of the future Sydney Metro train. Artists' rendering of the future Sydney Metro train.
	An artist's rendering of the Waterloo metro station.

Australia’s Biggest Public Transport Project

The fully-automatic metro trains began service in 2019.

There are currently three parts to Sydney Metro:

  • Sydney Metro Northwest (Tallawong to Chatswood), which opened in 2019, with a train every four minutes in the peak
  • Sydney Metro City & Southwest (Chatswood to Bankstown), work started in 2017
  • The recently announced Sydney Metro West (Sydney CBD to Parramatta), which is still in early planning and development.
Sydney Metro 	Chatswood to Sydenham Environmental Impact Statement Summary May-June 2016.

Key Facts

Bechtel used 5 Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) and developed 6 new Station Boxes. In 2024, this new, stand-alone railway will have 31 new metro stations and 66km of metro rail.


Sydney Metro has the ultimate capacity to run a train every two minutes in each direction under the Sydney CBD


Twin metro railway tunnels developed


99,000 pre-cast tunnel segments built on site at Marrickville

Sydney Metro Team

Transport for NSW selected Bechtel as its Delivery Management Partner (DMP) for the Tunnel and Station Excavation (TSE) Works Package, part of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest (CSW) project. Bechtel works as part of an integrated team to support the customer in contracts, commercial management and project controls, engineering management, construction management, health and safety management, environment and sustainability management, project communications, and quality. 

Impact of the Project on the City and Community

Sydney metro An artist's rendering of a metro station and surrounding area.
An artist's rendering of the Barangaroo metro station for Sydney metro.
An artist's rendering of the Crow's Nest metro station for Syndey Metro.

Metro means a new generation of world-class fast, safe and reliable trains easily connecting customers to where they want to go.

Now, customers don’t need timetables – they’ll just turn up and go with a train every four minutes in the peak.

Sydney Metro, together with signaling and infrastructure upgrades across the existing Sydney rail network, will increase the capacity of train services entering the Sydney CBD – from about 120 an hour today to up to 200 services beyond 2024. That’s an increase of up to 60 per cent capacity across the network to meet demand.