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Rio Grande LNG

Aerial view of animated rendering of the Rio Grande facility. Aerial view of animated rendering of the Rio Grande facility.

Meeting Global Demand for Energy

NextDecade is an energy company accelerating the path to a net-zero future.

Bechtel is partnering with NextDecade to support their mission and ensure greater energy security with their Rio Grande LNG (RGLNG) project in Brownsville, Texas. On July 12, 2023, RGLNG issued the notice to proceed (NTP) to Bechtel Energy Inc. (Bechtel) to begin construction of Phase 1 under its lump-sum turnkey engineering, procurement, and construction contracts (EPC).

About the Project

RGLNG is a natural gas and export terminal situated on a 984-acre site on the banks of the Brownsville ship channel. The first phase of the RGLNG project consists of three liquefaction trains, two storage tanks and one marine berth. At full capacity, the five-train facility will have a production capacity of 27 million tonnes per annum (MTPA).

Work with Us

With a great project comes great growth for the local community. During the life of the project, RGLNG will have many opportunities available to the Rio Grande Valley workforce and wider community. The workforce is anticipated to reach approximately 5,000 at peak construction.

Explore our available job openings below and discover your next opportunity today!

  • RGLNG professional staff
  • RGLNG craft professionals
  • RGLNG NextDecade

Register to be a Supplier

RGLNG values local suppliers and recognizes the critical role they play in supporting project operations, people, and local communities.

If you supply materials or provide services that RGLNG is likely to purchase, please register on our Local Supplier Registration portal.