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Quebrada Blanca Phase 2

Construction of QB2 Construction of QB2
QB2 aerial view

Meeting the World’s Copper Demand

Bechtel helped extend the life and increase the output of Teck’s Quebrada Blanca copper mine, which taps one of the world’s largest undeveloped copper resources and helps close the gap between global supply and rising demand for copper. The project is also the largest mining project in Chile in the past several years.

The Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 Project was inaugurated in October 2023. QB2 is expected to generate 316,000 tonnes of copper-equivalent production per year for the first five full years of its mine life.

This megaproject marked a milestone by simultaneously executing 100% of its facilities, from the mine to the port, along 165 kilometers and reaching altitudes of up to 4,400 meters. QB2 included a concentrator with capacity to process 140,000 tonnes per day, as well as various complementary facilities, a new port and a desalination plant, infrastructure that is connected by concentrate and desalinated water pipelines.

Aerial view of Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 (QB2)

Sustainable Production

QB2 focuses on environmental responsibility and stands out for using 100% renewable energy and being the first mining operation in Chile’s Tarapacá Region to utilize desalinated water on a large scale instead of fresh water. This water is transported via pipelines from the port area and replaces the use of continental water in the production process.

View of QB2 construction from the water

Quebrada Blanca has the first desalination plant for large-scale mining in Tarapacá Region, exclusively utilizing desalinated water in 100% of its production processes.

QB2 at night

As of 2025, 100% of the energy used in QB2’s operations will be renewable, avoiding a total of 1.6 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year.

Aerial view of QB2

In 2023, QB2 received the Copper Mark verification in recognition of its environmentally and socially responsible production practices, under the standards of the International Copper Association.

Innovation & Efficiency

Construction of QB2 involved erecting 20,000 tonnes of steel and moving 31.2 million cubic meters of material, which demonstrates the magnitude of the project.

During execution, significant innovations were implemented, including the use of up to 14% of precast elements in the concentrator’s concrete structures, which permitted a 45% reduction in direct job hours on site.

QB2 close up

Commitment to Excellence & Safety

QB2’s execution involved a significant commitment to the safety and health of its personnel. More than 30,000 people participated in its construction, more than 100 million hours of work were invested and over 60 million hours were worked without lost time incidents. These figures highlight the project’s focus on excellence and safety at all stages.

In 2021, Quebrada Blanca 2 was recognized as the “Construction Team of the Year” in Bechtel’s annual awards ceremony, standing out for its excellence in the areas of environment, safety and health (ES&H), as well as for its values ​​and culture, its customer focus, and its performance and innovation.

The team subsequently received the 2022 ES&H Excellence Award in recognition of its high-performance safety and environmental culture and program, effectively applying Bechtel standards, and demonstrating a robust commitment to protecting the environment and the health and safety of its workers, partners and surrounding communities.

of Pipeline

QB2 has 165km of 36″ desalinated water pipeline with a pump station and 165km of 8″ copper concentrate pipeline with valve and dissipation stations.


Bechtel spent more than $164M with local companies in support of the local community and small businesses.


At peak construction, QB2 supported 30,000 jobs on site.


More than 161 contractor companies were hired to work support the QB2 project.


Over the course of the project, more than 100M job hours were worked in total.

Max. Altitude

At the maximum altitude of the main facility, the mine area reaches 4,400m.

Biodiversity Conservation

Construction included an exhaustive conservation study involving more than 1,000 hours of observation and GPS technology to understand the behavior of local species. During execution, QB2 implemented a preservation and education program focused on endangered species, such as the little tern and the Chilean sea otter.

To develop the desalination plant and perform marine works, consultations were held with local communities and fishermen, ensuring the project’s compatibility with the marine ecosystem. In addition, both during execution and in operation, the port area is continuously monitored via sensors and sampling points to preserve the area’s unique biodiversity.

Social Management & Community Relations Actions

We adopted our customer’s ESG objectives to support their strategy of promoting local development. We were an active part of the Elige Crecer (Choose to Grow) Program, an initiative that contributes to the social and economic development of Tarapacá Region via various training alternatives, employment opportunities and support for local suppliers.