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Australia Privacy Policy

Crane silhouette with orange sunset in hook at Lake Charles Crane silhouette with orange sunset in hook at Lake Charles


The aim of this Privacy Policy (‘Policy’) is to explain how and why Bechtel collects, uses, discloses and enables access and correction of Personal Information provided to Bechtel in Australia. This Policy also explains the kinds of Personal Information that Bechtel collects and holds.

In the course of its business activities Bechtel will collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information in accordance with this policy, its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’) and the Australian Privacy Principles established under the Privacy Act.

This Policy applies to all Bechtel offices and Projects in Australia. Some Bechtel Projects may have additional or supplementary privacy policies that apply in respect of that Project only.

In the context of this Policy ‘Bechtel’ refers to Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd and its Related Bodies Corporate operating in Australia.

This Policy does not include how Bechtel collects, uses, stores and discloses employee data. Refer to the Privacy of Personal Data Policy for how Bechtel manages employee data.


  1. ‘Agent’ – is any third party that collects or uses Personal Information under the instructions of, and for, Bechtel or to which Bechtel discloses Personal Information for use on Bechtel’s behalf.
  2. ‘Bechtel’ – is defined in Section A.
  3. ‘Bechtel Subcontract Workers’ – are current and former employees of Bechtel subcontractors.
  4. ‘Personal Information’ – has the meaning given to it in the Privacy Act. In general terms, it is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This may include your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation. If the information we collect personally identifies you, or you are reasonably identifiable from it, the information will be considered Personal Information.
  5. ‘Privacy Act’ – is defined in Section A.
  6. ‘Privacy Officer’ – defined in Section C.
  7. ‘Project’ – means any project or defined business activity being undertaken by Bechtel.
  8. ‘Related Bodies Corporate’ – of an entity means another entity which is
    1. related to the first entity within the meaning of Section 50 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth of Australia)
    2. in any consolidated entity (as defined in Section 9 of the Corporations Act) which contains the first entity; or
    3. an express trust of which an entity described in paragraph a or b above is a trustee.
  9. ‘Sensitive Information’ – means personal data (including information or an opinion) about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions and memberships, religious or philosophical beliefs or associations, trade union membership, criminal record, health information or the health services they have received, details of their sexual orientation, or their biometric or genetic information.


For any questions concerns or a complaint regarding a possible breach of privacy, please contact Bechtel’s Privacy Officer using the details set out below.

Bechtel’s Privacy Officer can be contacted at:

Post: Attn: The Privacy Officer
GPO Box 971
Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia


Bechtel will treat the complaint or grievance confidentially. It will investigate the complaint and aim to ensure that a Bechtel representative contacts the individual and that their complaint is resolved within a reasonable time (and in any event within the time required by the Privacy Act, if applicable).


1. What is Bechtel’s general approach to privacy compliance?

Bechtel respects the privacy rights and interests of any party whose Personal Information it collects, uses, discloses, stores or otherwise processes. Bechtel adheres to the following general principles when collecting, holding, using and disclosing Personal Information:

2. What Personal Information does Bechtel collect and hold?  

In the course of conducting its business activities, Bechtel may collect the following types of Personal Information:

3. How does Bechtel collect Personal Information?  

Bechtel collects Personal Information from individuals in various ways, including:

In some circumstances, Bechtel may collect Sensitive Information from the individual, such as where health information is collected if the individual is asked to submit to a drugs and alcohol test. Sensitive Information will only be collected with the consent of the individual.

Bechtel may also collect Personal Information about individuals from third parties including:

4.  What happens if Bechtel can’t collect Personal Information?

If individuals do not provide Bechtel with the Personal Information described above, some or all of the following may happen:

5. What purposes does Bechtel collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information?

Bechtel collects Personal Information about individuals so that Bechtel can perform its business activities and functions and answer any enquiries made by individuals. Bechtel will collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information for the following purposes:

6. Who does Bechtel disclose and transfer Personal Information to?

6a. What third parties does Bechtel disclose Personal Information to?

Bechtel may disclose the Personal Information of individuals, including for the purposes set out above:

6b. What Personal Information Transfers Outside of Bechtel May Be Made?

Bechtel may transfer Personal Information outside of Bechtel:

6c. Does Bechtel disclose Personal Information to anyone outside Australia?

Bechtel may disclose the Personal Information of individuals to its Related Bodies Corporate and third party suppliers and service providers located overseas for some of the purposes listed above.

Bechtel takes reasonable steps to ensure that the overseas recipients of Personal Information do not breach the privacy obligations relating to the management of the Personal Information of individuals.

Bechtel may disclose Personal Information to entities located outside of Australia, including the following:


1. Security and Confidentiality

Bechtel is committed to taking appropriate technical, physical and organizational measures to protect Personal Information against: unauthorized or accidental destruction, alteration or disclosure; accidental loss; unauthorized access; misuse; unlawful management; or damage.

These measures include equipment, application and information security, access security and training of Bechtel employees, who are required to collect, hold use and disclose Personal Information.

2. Access and Correction Rights

2a. What Are Individuals’ Rights to Access Their Personal Information?

Any individual may inquire as to the nature of his/her Personal Information held by Bechtel. Bechtel will endeavor to respond to an inquiry without excessive delay and within the time limits prescribed by the Privacy Act (if any) or otherwise within a reasonable time period.

An individual wishing to access a copy of his/her Personal Information held by Bechtel should contact the Privacy Officer. Where Bechtel holds information that an individual is entitled to access, Bechtel will try to provide the individual with suitable means of accessing it (for example, by mailing or emailing it to them).

In responding to a request for access to Personal Information, Bechtel may request for the requesting individual:

2b. What Are Individuals’ Rights to Correct Their Personal Information?

If an individual believes the Personal Information that Bechtel is holding about them is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, then the individual may request that Bechtel correct this information. An individual wishing to correct his/her Personal Information held by Bechtel should contact the Privacy Officer.

Bechtel will consider if the information requires amendment. If Bechtel does not agree that there are grounds for amendment, then the individual may request that Bechtel adds a note to the Personal Information stating that the individual disputes the accuracy of their Personal Information.